Thursday, March 27, 2014

moving funds from American Express Retirement Savings Plan and American Express Retirement Plan into a Solo 401K

BACKGROUND: You set up a Solo 401k for my wife and I.  She is considering moving funds from her American Express Retirement Savings Plan and her American Express Retirement Plan into her Solo 401K.

QUESTION 1: What would we need to do on our side to get this transaction going?

ANSWER:   We can facilitate the American Express Retirement Savings Plan transfer to the solo 401k plan.  Please obtain their transfer-out form and forward it to us for completion.  The retirement account transfer rules allow for the transfer between retirement accounts while preserving the retirement account tax deferred status.

QUESTION 2: I assume we would have to liquidate her plans to cash and then transfer the cash over?

ANSWER:   Yes the investments would be sold, placed in a cash holding account (often referred to as a Money Market Account) and the funds transferred via a trustee-to-trustee transfer to the solo 401k.

QUESTION 3: How can we tell if the money can be moved tax free...? I am not sure if they plan is on the same level as the solo 401k.

ANSWER:   As long as the pans are qualified plans, which appears to be the case based on the information provided, they can be transferred. This will also be confirmed by reviewing the American Express Retirement Account transfer/distribution paperwork.

Any advice you can give me would be appreciated.

M. in Arizona

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